About Amanda
Amanda is a yoga teacher, authentic connection facilitator, international retreat leader, and community activator.
She began her yoga journey in high school and made her way to India in 2012 for her first teacher training. Since then, her adventurous spirit and perpetual self inquiry has led her all over the world to teach and explore. Amanda has trained extensively with her teacher, Annie Carpenter, and is certified in the SmartFLOW method which emphasizes both precision and freedom. She also specializes in Yin and kid's yoga. Amanda's classes are rooted in ancient teachings, modern movement principles, and sacred stillness to facilitate a deeper level of presence, discernment, and joy. |
She runs the after school yoga program for Jeff Co Public Schools and helps manage the yoga zone for Envision Festival in Costa Rica. As part of the leadership team for Habitual Roots, Amanda facilitates and supports all of our classes, events, and retreats around Colorado. She also teaches weekly at Samadhi, White Lotus Therapeutics, and Yoga Center of Denver.
From one of her students: "Amanda embodies a unique blend of intensity and calmness, of discipline and relaxed playfulness--a sort of walking embodiment of sthira sukha."
From one of her students: "Amanda embodies a unique blend of intensity and calmness, of discipline and relaxed playfulness--a sort of walking embodiment of sthira sukha."
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© 2023 | PO Box 189017 Charlotte, NC 28218 | Habitual Roots, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-2190456