Community Events Calendar
Find an experience that's exciting for you!
Habitual Roots is an excellent way to make new friends, build healthier routines, and know that you're not alone. We're here for you.
Majority of our community members are new to their area, going through life changes, and are seeking friendship, connection, and healthier ways of living.
Find what feels good to you and come out connect with others. Access yoga, meditation, breathwork, support groups, book club,
workshops, retreats, and more. <3
Majority of our community members are new to their area, going through life changes, and are seeking friendship, connection, and healthier ways of living.
Find what feels good to you and come out connect with others. Access yoga, meditation, breathwork, support groups, book club,
workshops, retreats, and more. <3
Apply to facilitate your own event with us!
We're always open to new ways of supporting the community.
Submit your event proposal below!
Submit your event proposal below!
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© 2023 | PO Box 189017 Charlotte, NC 28218 | Habitual Roots, Inc., a US 501 (c)(3) public charity, EIN 84-2190456